Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Anatomy of a Hiring

At 11:00 AM, the post super calls to check my availability. A quick glance down reveals that I am sitting on the couch in my underwear: I am available. Good, he says, someone from the crew will call you later to chat and probably set up some kind of interview for tomorrow.

At this point, it's understood that I will likely get the job, but not certainly.

The day passes. Chores are done. Pastimes are engaged in. The internet is read. Cover to cover.

Around 7:30, the post super calls again, this time from his cell as he's making the rounds before leaving. Has anyone from the crew called? I thought not. Come in around ten tomorrow to meet the folks you don't know and chat with the ones you do. We'll figure out when you should start and what you'll be doing as long as everything goes smoothly.

Now, I'm almost positive I have the job. I am the bird in the hand. Still, something in the back of my brain is saying to me that this is not over...

Five minutes elapse and the post super is on the phone again: I told everyone you'd be in tomorrow. The first assistant (the one guy on the crew I don't know personally) asked him if I could work the day. The post super answers for me in the affirmative then discusses my deal with me on the phone. Sure I deserve more, but I won't get it. For now, I'm happy to be employed and looking forward to free lunch.

By Thanksgiving, I'm sure I'll hate this job, too. Now off to work!


G-Stop said...

Congrats.. Does this mean you won't be back for chestnuts and a fire?

eatmee said...

Well, we'll see how long this lasts. Right now, it's supposed to just be for 5-6 weeks, but these things have a way of extending. Right now, that's not a bad thing.